Why You Need A Professional To Deal With A Wasp Nest
Whether at home or work, it can be a daunting experience if you discover a nest around your property. Even more so when the nest belongs to one of the more aggressive insect species.

It’s important to understand why you should not practise DIY pest control techniques when it comes to wasps. We all know this insect can be a nuisance in general, however, at certain times of the year they can be ultra aggressive, being territorial and predatory if provoked.
What A Wasp Nest Looks Like

If you aren’t sure if you have a wasp nest, as it may be partially formed, they are made using wood and wasp saliva, which consists of a paper-like material. Once fully formed, they are a grey cylindrical shape in a swirling pattern, which hosts the queen’s eggs in the centre. When these eggs hatch, nests can hold up to 5000 wasps in the peak of summer.
If you’ve noticed a heightened number of wasps, there’s a likelihood that you may have a nest. Wasp nests can be found attached to the outside of your property but also in spaces such as lofts, garages, sheds, under roofs, and within entry points in walls.
The Risk Of Dealing With A Wasp Nest Yourself
Although, like bees, wasps are pollinators, it’s understandable why you may not want them around your property. However, how you choose to remove a nest is a very important factor.
As a wasp colony grows, worker wasps actively search and hunt for food during the summer months to expand their nest further. At this time, they can be extremely aggressive. If they feel threatened, such as if you disturb their nest, their defence mechanism may go into a stinging frenzy. Not only are stings extremely painful, but if you are stung and you have an allergy to their venom, this could be severe, causing your body to go into shock, which could be life-threatening.
When To Call In A Pest Control Expert
Due to their aggressive nature, we strongly advise the public to never deal with removing a wasp nest yourself.
It’s best to contact a qualified pest control professional as soon as you discover a nest on your property before the infestation worsens. Our team has protective clothing and vast experience in safely dealing with wasps, offering an effective treatment to eradicate the problem swiftly.
We offer a free inspection and a full guarantee on our wasp nest removal service. After treatment, where we use insecticidal dust, which we spray directly into the nest, wasp activity will decrease within a few hours and cease altogether within 48 hours. Not only that, we will also offer advice on how to prevent further nests from being built in the future.
Get In Touch With Our Experts
If you suspect that you have a wasp nest or are concerned about wasp activity in or around your property, then our team can assist. Find out more about our wasp nest removal service.
Get in contact today to arrange a free assessment of the problem at a time that is convenient for you.