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How To Identify a Pest Infestation

Pests often leave subtle signs that, when recognised, can lead to swift intervention. This article will explore crucial indicators to help you identify a pest infestation, from rodents and birds to insects. This will allow you to take the necessary steps to protect your health and property.

How To Identify a Pest Infestation

What Causes a Pest Infestation?

Properties with clutter, crumbs, spillages and overflowing bins with surrounding residue can provide some of the conditions necessary for pests to establish their nesting grounds. Additionally, properties that have been structurally neglected can also contribute to infestation, for they make it easier for pests to enter.

Common UK Pests:

Rats and Mice

Rats and mice reproduce rapidly, leading to large infestations. This is a continuous problem in densely populated areas, as they’re known to carry diseases and contaminate food with their droppings, posing health risks to humans.


Insects such as cockroaches, ants and bedbugs present a severe problem for residential and commercial properties. Cockroaches can multiply quickly and survive in harsh conditions, making them notorious for spreading bacteria, contaminating food and triggering allergic reactions or asthma, especially in children.

While less harmful, ants invade properties in large numbers, contaminating food supplies and causing structural damage in some cases. Bedbugs, however, are particularly troublesome. They’re great at travelling from place to place, feeding on human blood and leaving itchy, red welts. Their presence can disrupt sleep and cause anxiety.


While birds like pigeons, doves and blackbirds can be relatively harmless, their droppings can damage roofs, leading to concerns.

What Should You Look for to Identify a Pest Infestation?

Pest Droppings

You can identify which type of pest infestation you have by the size and shape of their droppings. For instance, rodent droppings tend to be small and pellet-shaped, while a cockroach dropping will resemble that of a ground pepper. You may spot a cluster of droppings near their nest. If you find scattered droppings throughout the property, it could suggest that the pests were on the move, searching for food.

Musty Smells

Solid and unpleasant smells from infestations, especially in confined spaces like attics or walls, signal the need for action. Bedbug infestations emit a sweet, musty odour, while rodent nests produce a sour smell from accumulated urine, droppings and nesting materials.

Pitter Patter Scratching Sounds

The sound of flapping wings and persistent tweeting often points to a bird infestation, particularly in attics, eaves, or chimneys where birds tend to nest. On the other hand, the distinct sounds of scratching, scurrying, or light pitter-patter noises, especially at nighttime when the property is quiet, are strong indicators of rodents sheltering in your walls or attic.


Pay close attention to nests. Nests made of shredded paper, fabrics or insulation can indicate that pests have become established and are actively breeding.

Structural Damage

If left to roam, rodents can chew through wood, wiring and insulation, causing structural weakness and fire hazards. Birds nesting in eaves or attics block drainage, leading to water damage and roof leaks. Meanwhile, ants can tunnel through wooden beams, floors and walls, compromising your property’s structure.

How to Prevent a Pest Infestation?

Being more vigilant about your property’s hygiene and sealing all entry points internally and externally in walls, doors, and window frames can prevent pest infestation. Ensure all open food is stored in airtight containers, waste is disposed of regularly, and all leaking pipes are fixed.

If the pests persist, contact the pest control experts. They will have the knowledge and expertise to assess the situation, identify the pest infestation, and implement effective treatment.

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