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Where Do Rats Like To Live?

Having travelled on trading ships from Asia in the 1700s, it’s believed there are over 15 million brown rats in the UK today. These highly adaptable creatures have a knack for finding a place to call home in the most unexpected places, from bustling city streets to town neighbourhoods.

Answering the question, “Where do rats like to live?” leads to a better understanding of their behaviour, allowing us to implement effective strategies to manage and prevent infestations.

Where Do Rats Like To Live

Common Behaviours of UK Brown Rats

UK brown rats are known for their intelligence, wariness and ability to learn from experiences. These traits help them evade predators and standard control measures. Here are their most common characteristics.

Active at Night

Being primarily nocturnal helps brown rats to avoid predators and human interaction. This survival instinct to forage for food and explore their surroundings during nighttime enables them to remain largely undetected, enhancing their ability to thrive in various environments.


Brown rats are known for their excellent burrowing skills. They can create extensive underground networks that serve as their homes and provide safety from predators and harsh weather. As a result, their burrows usually have multiple entrances to ensure quick escape routes and survival.

Have a High Reproductive Rate

Brown rats are notorious for their high reproductive rate, contributing to their status as a prevalent pest. In fact, according to Wildlife Trust, ‘A female brown rat can breed from around three months old and has an average of five litters a year, each of up to twelve young.’

Omnivorous Eaters

Brown rats are omnivorous, consuming various foods, from insects and small mammals to human waste food, grains, seeds, and fruit. Their ability to digest everything and anything makes them highly adaptable to different environments.

Brown Rat’s Preferred Nesting Areas

Brown rats are incredibly versatile. They can nest in various environments, thriving primarily in urban areas and sewers. Here are some of their most preferred nesting areas.


Urban sewer tunnels beneath bustling cities protect brown rats from predators and harsh weather conditions and serve as a labyrinth of constant waste and water supply. Additionally, these damp and dark conditions mimic the natural burrows that brown rats prefer for nesting, making sewers highly attractive for establishing and maintaining large, stable populations.

Urban Properties

Brown rats in urban areas seek shelter in houses, hotels, and restaurants. This is mainly due to the abundance of food and water within these sheltered spaces. These property structures offer numerous warm and secure hiding spots and nesting areas, such as attics, basements, or wall cavities, helping brown rats in residential areas thrive and increase their population.


Gardens with abundant food supplies, such as bird seeds, fruits, vegetables, bin waste and compost, become hotspots for these adaptable brown rats, which can digest various items. They will also seek shelter in gardens, often burrowing near sheds or under decking. These structures provide additional protection and security to reproduce and look after their offspring.

Dealing with a Rat’s Nest

Action is essential to eliminate the infestation once a rat’s nest is identified. Calling in rat prevention experts is often the most reliable method. They will have the knowledge and tools to safely remove a rat’s nest and give you tips on preventing infestations from reoccurring. However, if you choose a DIY approach, avoid using poisons, as they can be harmful to children, pets and other wildlife.

After the rats are removed, thorough cleaning and disinfection of the affected areas should be conducted. This will prevent the spread of any diseases they may have carried and discourage new rats from moving in.

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