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Summer Pest Prevention – Our Top Tips

As the summer months warm up, so does the activity of various pests that can invade your home and garden.

This article will explore summer pest prevention by looking into why certain pests become problematic during the warmer months, what signs indicate their presence, and how to prevent these infestations to promote a healthier living environment.

seagull stealing summer food

Why are Mice & Rats Pests in the Summer?

During the summer, expect increased activity and reproduction rates in mice and rats. These conditions drive them to seek cooler shelter that contains food and water, making homes ideal environments.

They often hide in cooler spots like garden sheds, garages, basements and walls. Their food and water sources often come from crumbs, pantry items, pet bowls and leaky taps.

What to Look Out For

Pay attention to the sounds of movement within your walls and ceiling to detect a mouse or rat infestation. Inspect your furniture and belongings for bite marks and signs of urine. Check potential nesting areas for droppings. Mice droppings are generally similar to a grain of rice and have pointed ends, while rat droppings are larger and feature blunt ends.

Prevention Tips

To prevent mice and rats from infesting your home:

  • Check interior and exterior walls for any cracks and openings
  • Close and regularly clean bins
  • Place food sources in airtight containers
  • Regularly clean floors and counters from spills or crumbs
  • Fix all leakages
  • Declutter potential nesting sites

Why are Birds Pests in the Summer?

During the summer months, birds will look to build nests in locations such as gutters, vents and eaves of homes. However, this can lead to blockages, potential damage and aggressive behaviour from birds defending their young. Additionally, some birds, like seagulls, will not hesitate to snatch food from your hands if you eat on the go or enjoy a picnic.

What to Look Out For

If you suspect bird pests are nesting in your home, watch for repetitive flight patterns to and from areas like gutters, vents or eaves and persistent sounds such as chirping or fluttering from these locations.

Additionally, check for visible nesting materials such as twigs, leaves and feathers lodged in vents, gutters, or beneath roof tiles. The presence of bird droppings around these entry points or concentrated areas is also a strong indicator of an active bird nest nearby.

Prevention Tips

For effective summer pest prevention against birds:

  • Implement physical barriers such as netting or spikes
  • Clean out gutters and close any potential entry points
  • Secure food sources by covering rubbish bins and avoiding leaving pet food or crumbs outdoors.
  • Install deterrents like reflective tapes, decoy predators, or ultrasonic devices that repel birds without harming them
  • Encourage birds to nest in preferred locations, such as nesting boxes

Why are Ants Pests in the Summer?

The warmer temperatures increase ants’ metabolic rate, making them more active and requiring them to eat more often. As a result, they usually invade homes in large numbers and are drawn to any available food sources, leading to contamination of food items and structural damage.

What to Look Out For

Common signs of an ant infestation include visible ant trails around kitchens where food particles accumulate. Check for entry points such as cracks in floor sealant or around doors and windows. Also, watch for ant nests near your home, identifiable as small dirt or sand mounds in the garden.

Prevention Tips

To avoid ant infestations:

  • Regularly inspect and seal any entry points
  • Maintain strict cleanliness, particularly in the kitchen
  • Ensure food is kept in airtight containers
  • Regularly clean bins, keep bin lids closed and tidy the area
  • Add natural deterrents such as cinnamon, peppermint oil or lemon juice near entry points
  • Consult a professional pest control company if these measures do not resolve the issue

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